Hafellnera Houmeau & Cl. Roux (1984)
Data Set Maintenance: Data set standard item. Data set author(s): Triebel D. Data set reviewer(s): Scholz P. (06-06-12) and Triebel D. (98-01-01); revised; to be published after submission.
Nomenclature: Current taxonomic status: accepted or basionymous. Taxonomic rank: genus. Number of known taxa within this rank: 1. Hafellnera. Schaereriaceae M. Choisy ex Hafellner (1984); Lecanorales.
Type Information: Type: Hafellnera parasemella (Nyl.) Houmeau & Roux.
Taxonomic Literature: Taxonomic notes: Porposed as synonym of Schaereria by Lumbsch (1997). Clauzade G. & Roux C., Bull. Soc. Bot. Centre-Ouest, N.S. 7: 1-893 [379-380] (1985); Houmeau J.M. & Roux C., Bull. Soc. Bot. Centre-Ouest, N.S., 15: 142 (1984); Lumbsch H.T., J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 83: 1-73 (1997); Rambold G. & Triebel D., Biblioth. Lichenol. 48: 1-201 [152] (1992); Santesson R., The lichens and lichenicolous fungi of Sweden and Norway, Lund: 1-240 [90] (1993).
Biogeography: Checklist records: Sweden and Norway and United States and Canada (continental).
Ecology: Biotroph; lichenized or lichenicolous; terricolous, bryophytic, lignicolous, or corticolous; substrate non-calciferous.
Lichen Photobionts: Primary photobiont present; chlorococcal. Secondary photobiont absent.
Thallus: Indistinct or crustose, not subdivided parts, granular. Upper Surface: White or grey; special structures absent. Lower Surface: Attached by the whole lower surface; special structures absent.
Medulla: Iodine reaction in Lugol's solution negative; not different with or without KOH pre-treatment (euamyloid).
Reproduction Strategy: Only known as sterile, asexually reproducing form or with sexual (and possible asexual) stages. Ascocarps: Apothecioid, orbicular, forming all across the thallus surface, soon sessile. Margin: Indistinct to prominent; external filaments absent. Exciple: Brown. Periphyses: Absent. Epithecium: Apical cells grey or green. Hymenium: Iodine reaction: Lugol’s positive, not hemiamyloid. Interascal Hyphae: Present, scarcely branched, not or scarcely anastomosed. Hypothecium: Brown.
Asci: Tholus not thickened or thickened, not amyloid; dehiscence lecanoralean or unitunicate; exoascus euamyloid, not hemiamyloid.
Ascospores: c. 8 per ascus, broadly ellipsoid, 12-14 µm long, 10-12 µm wide, obtuse; septa absent; wall thick, distinctly differentiated into primary and secondary wall, not thickened at the septum, hyaline, in Lugol's Solution negative, wall not ornamented.
Conidiomata: Absent resp. not observed or present.
Secondary Metabolites: Not detected.
(report generated 04.Okt.2007)
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