ProjectIconLichenized and Non-lichenized Ascomycetes 00-03-24 - Glonium Muhl. (1823)

Botanische Staatssammlung München © 1995–2000

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Go to: Data maintenance  –  Classification  –  Geography, Ecology  –  Thallus morphology  –  Thallus morphology special structures  –  Thallus undersurface  –  Thallus anatomy  –  Ascoma morphology  –  Ascoma anatomy  –  Asci  –  Ascospores  –  Conidiomata  –  Conidiophores and conidia  –  Secondary metabolites  –  Photobionts  –  Index of all items of the project

Taxon name:

Data maintenance   back to top

1. Taxonomic level category [mandatory character]    1. genus None selected () ()
2. Genus name [mandatory character] () ()
4. Data record authors name [mandatory character]    3. Döbbeler P.    10. Lumbsch H.T. & Guderley R.    15. Rambold G.    23. Triebel D. None selected () ()
5. Data record revision state [mandatory character]    1. not revised    2. revised None selected () ()
6. Data record revision authors name     1. Aptroot A.     3. Döbbeler P.     7. Grube M.     8. Guderley R.     11. Kasalicky T.     12. Keller C.     15. Lumbsch H. T.     18. Matzer M. & Mayrhofer H.     22. Owe-Larsson B.     23. Poelt J.     24. Printzen C.     28. Ryan B.     32. Sipman H.     34. Tehler A.     36. Tibell L.     37. Timdal E.     38. Triebel D. ()     43. Egea J.M. & Torrente P.
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7. Data record to be published after submission state [mandatory character]    2. yes None selected () ()

Classification   back to top

9. Type taxon name

12. Synonyms name

13. Family name () ()
14. Suborder name () ()
15. Order name [mandatory character] () ()
16. References text

17. Notes text

18. Species number
Mean: Upper range:

Geography, Ecology   back to top

31. Records checklists     1. Australia     2. Austria     3. Bolivia     7. Germany     10. Great Britain     11. Guianas     13. Italy     17. New Guinea     18. New Zealand     20. Sonoran Desert     21. Sweden and Norway     22. Thailand     26. United States and Canada (continental)
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(Select a character state: to add this note/comment: )
33. Life habit kind [mandatory character]     1. saprophytic     3. algicolous     4. lichenized     5. lichenicolous     6. fungicolous     7. bryophilous     8. phytopathogenic
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34. Substratum kind     1. soil     2. bryophytes     4. wood     5. bark     6. non-calciferous rock     7. calciferous rock     8. living leaves
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Thallus morphology   back to top

48. Thallus growth habit kind     1. indistinct     2. filamentose     3. leprose     4. crustose     5. squamulose     6. placodioid     7. umbilicate     8. foliose     9. subfruticose     10. fruticose
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52. Thallus growth habit compartimentation, structure     1. continuous     2. granulose     3. rimose     4. areolate
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(Select a character state: to add this note/comment: )
54. Thallus attachment kind     1. by the whole lower surface     2. by loboid holdfasts     3. by rhizinoid holdfasts     4. lacking
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71. Thallus hypothallus presence     1. absent     2. present
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75. Thallus surface colour     1. black     2. grey     4. green     5. yellow     6. brown     7. red     8. white     32. brownish green     37. brownish yellow     50. yellowish red     52. whitish red
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Thallus morphology special structures   back to top

89. Thallus special structures presence     1. absent     2. present
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90. Thallus cephalodia presence     1. absent     2. present
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91. Thallus hairs presence     1. absent     2. present
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94. Thallus cilia presence     1. absent     2. present
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103. Thallus isidia presence     1. absent     2. present
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114. Thallus papillae presence    ()  1. absent ()
118. Thallus blastidia presence    ()  1. absent ()
120. Thallus lobulae presence     1. absent     2. present
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122. Thallus granules presence     1. absent     2. present
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126. Thallus soralia presence     1. absent     2. present
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149. Thallus cyphelloids presence     1. absent     2. present
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(Select a character state: to add this note/comment: )
167. Thallus thalloconidia presence     1. absent     2. present
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(Select a character state: to add this note/comment: )

Thallus undersurface   back to top

225. Thallus undersurface special structures presence     1. absent     2. present
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233. Thallus undersurface cavernulae presence    ()  1. absent ()
234. Thallus undersurface cyphellae presence    ()  1. absent ()
235. Thallus undersurface cyphelloids presence    ()  1. absent ()
244. Thallus undersurface rhizines presence     1. absent     2. present
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260. Thallus undersurface tomentum presence     1. absent     2. present
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(Select a character state: to add this note/comment: )
264. Thallus undersurface thalloconidia presence     1. absent     2. present
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(Select a character state: to add this note/comment: )

Thallus anatomy   back to top

267. Thallus hyphae euamyloid reactivity presence     1. not euamyloid     2. euamyloid
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270. Thallus hyphae hemiamyloid reactivity presence     1. absent     2. present
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(Select a character state: to add this note/comment: )

Ascoma morphology   back to top

309. Ascomata presence [mandatory character]     1. absent     2. present
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310. Ascomata kind [mandatory character]     1. apothecioid     2. mazaedioid     3. perithecioid     4. cleistothecioid     6. stromatic
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315. Ascomata location     1. indistinct     3. laminal on thallus     5. peripheral on thallus
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319. Ascomata outline     1. orbicular     2. lingulate     3. irregular     4. linear     5. stellate
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(Select a character state: to add this note/comment: )
322. Ascomata exposure     1. immersed     2. semi-immersed     3. sessile     4. substipitate     5. stipitate
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325. Ascomata external filaments presence     1. absent     2. present
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336. Ascomata margin development     1. indistinct     2. distinct     3. prominent
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357. Ascomata margin stromatic structures carbonization presence, type     1. absent     3. with blackenings around the ostiole, lacking a clypeus     4. with black clypeus around the ostiole
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(Select a character state: to add this note/comment: )
358. Ascomata margin ostiolar fusions of neighboured perithecia presence    ()  1. absent ()

Ascoma anatomy   back to top

360. Ascomata lateral layers pigmentation     1. black     2. grey     4. green     5. yellow     6. brown     7. red     8. hyaline     32. brownish green     37. brownish yellow     38. reddish yellow     49. bluish red     58. reddish hyaline
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385. Ascomata lower layers pigmentation     1. black     2. grey     4. green     5. yellow     6. brown     7. red     8. hyaline     32. brownish green     37. brownish yellow     38. reddish yellow     49. bluish red     58. reddish hyaline
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403. Ascomata hymenial layer gel hemiamyloidity presence     1. absent     2. present
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404. Ascomata hymenial layer gel euamyloidity presence     1. absent     2. present
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405. Ascomata hymenial layer interascal hyphae presence     1. absent     2. present
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410. Ascomata hymenial layer interascal hyphae ramifications presence     1. absent [or scarce]     2. present
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411. Ascomata hymenial layer interascal hyphae anastomoses presence     1. absent [to scarce]     2. present
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(Select a character state: to add this note/comment: )
412. Ascomata hymenial layer interascal hyphae oily contents presence     1. absent [to scarce]     2. present
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423. Ascomata hymenial layer uppermost layer pigmentation     1. black     2. grey     4. green     5. yellow     6. brown     7. red     8. hyaline     32. brownish green     37. brownish yellow     38. reddish yellow     49. bluish red     58. reddish hyaline
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431. Ascomata hymenial layer uppermost layer ostiolar filaments presence     1. absent     2. present
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Asci   back to top

433. Asci type     1. prototunicate     2. lecanoral     3. unitunicate     4. verrucarial     5. bitunicate
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441. Asci wall layers ocular chamber development     1. indistinct     3. broad
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442. Asci wall layers apex kind     1. not thickened     2. thickened
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443. Asci wall layers apex amyloid reactivity presence     1. absent     2. present
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(Select a character state: to add this note/comment: )
446. Asci wall layers apex inner layers amyloid reactivity pattern     1. with amyloid tube     2. with amyloid cap     3. with amyloid tube and flanks     4. amyloid and with narrow, axial body convergent towards apex     5. amyloid and with wide, axial body divergent towards apex     6. entirely amyloid
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454. Asci wall layers outer layers hemiamyloid reactivity presence     1. absent     2. present
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(Select a character state: to add this note/comment: )
455. Asci wall layers outer layers euamyloid reactivity presence     1. absent     2. present
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Ascospores   back to top

459. Ascospores number (categorical)     1. 1-2 per ascus     2. c. 4 per ascus     3. c. 8 per ascus     4. 12-16 per ascus     5. 16-32 per ascus     6. more than 32 per ascus
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(Select a character state: to add this note/comment: )
461. Ascospores shape     1. globose     3. broadly ellipsoidal     4. ellipsoidal     6. fusiform-elongate     8. filiform     10. cylindrical     11. oblong-obtuse     18. reniform     19. allantoid     22. ovoid     26. clavate     36. ellipsoidic-cylindrical     37. curved     38. semilunate     40. fusiform
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(Select a character state: to add this note/comment: )
462. Ascospores length (numerical)
Min: Lower range: Upper range: Max: Unit:
µm long

463. Ascospores width (numerical)
Min: Lower range: Mean: Upper range: Max: Unit:
µm wide

467. Ascospores poles shape     1. obtuse     2. aciculate
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468. Ascospores septation presence     1. absent     2. present
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(Select a character state: to add this note/comment: )
469. Ascospores septation kind     1. transversally septate     2. muriform
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470. Ascospores transversal septa kind     1. eusepta     2. distosepta
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(Select a character state: to add this note/comment: )
471. Ascospores transversal septa number
Min: Lower range: Mean: Upper range: Max: Unit:
-transversally septate

473. Ascospores transversal septa lateral constrictions presence     1. absent     2. present
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(Select a character state: to add this note/comment: )
476. Ascospores wall width (categorical)     1. thin [- smooth]     2. thick [- smooth, - multilayered, halonate]     3. ornamented
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478. Ascospores wall pigmentation     1. dark brownish     2. middle brownish     3. greyish     4. hyaline     5. pale brownish
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(Select a character state: to add this note/comment: )
480. Ascospores wall euamyloid reactivity presence     1. absent     2. present
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(Select a character state: to add this note/comment: )
484. Ascospores wall transversal widening presence     1. absent     2. present
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(Select a character state: to add this note/comment: )

Conidiomata   back to top

485. Conidiomata presence [mandatory character]     1. absent     2. present
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(Select a character state: to add this note/comment: )
487. Conidiomata kind     1. pycnidial     2. hyphomycetous     3. hyphophorous     4. campylidial
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(Select a character state: to add this note/comment: )
493. Conidiomata location     1. indistinct     3. laminal on thallus     6. peripheral on thallus
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(Select a character state: to add this note/comment: )
496. Conidiomata exposure     1. immersed     3. sessile     4. stipitate
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(Select a character state: to add this note/comment: )

Conidiophores and conidia   back to top

521. Conidiomata conidiophores conidiogenous cells position     1. terminal     2. intercalar
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527. Conidia kind    ()  1. microconidial ()
528. Conidia shape     1. globose     6. fusiform     7. bifusiform     8. filiform     18. reniform     36. bacilliform     37. curved
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(Select a character state: to add this note/comment: )
534. Conidia septa presence     1. absent     2. present
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(Select a character state: to add this note/comment: )
535. Conidia septa number
Lower range: Upper range: Unit:

536. Conidia ramifications presence     1. absent     2. present
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537. Conidia wall pigmentation    ()  1. hyaline ()

Secondary metabolites   back to top

538. Secondary metabolites presence     1. absent     2. present
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541. Secondary metabolites group class     1. orcinol depsides     2. orcinol depsidones     3. ß-orcinol depsides [incl. atranorin]     4. ß-orcinol depsidones     5. (higher) aliphatic acids     6. (tri-)terpenoids     7. benzyl esters     8. (anthra-)quinones     10. amino acid derivatives     11. pulvinic acid derivatives     13. xanthones     14. dibenzofurans [and usnic acids]
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Photobionts   back to top

601. Primary photobiont presence     1. absent     2. present
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602. Primary photobiont kind     1. cyanobacterioid     2. chlorococcoid     3. trentepohlioid
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(Select a character state: to add this note/comment: )
603. Primary photobiont class name     1. Chlorophyceae     3. Cyanobacteria     4. Phaeophyceae     5. Trebouxiophyceae     6. Ulvophyceae     7. Xanthophyceae
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(Select a character state: to add this note/comment: )
604. Primary photobiont order name     3. Chlorococcales     5. Chroococcales     7. Dictyochloropsis-group     8. Ectocarpales     10. Leptosira-group     11. Nostocales     15. Trebouxiales     16. Trentepohliales     17. Tribonematales     20. ordo incertae sedis
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(Select a character state: to add this note/comment: )
605. Primary photobiont family name     9. Coccomyxaceae     11. Heterococcaceae     15. Lithodermataceae     19. Nostocaceae     25. Scytonemataceae     27. Trebouxiaceae     28. Trentepohliaceae     30. incertae sedis
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(Select a character state: to add this note/comment: )
606. Primary photobiont genus name     1. Anabaena     4. Asterochloris     9. Chlorella     10. Chlorella saccharophila-group     11. Chlorosarcinopsis     15. Coccobotrys     16. Coccomyxa     19. Dictyochloropsis     20. Dilabifilum     21. Elliptochloris     26. Heterococcus     30. Leptosira     32. Myrmecia     36. Petroderma     37. Phycopeltis     39. Protococcus     40. Pseudochlorella     42. Scytonema     46. Trebouxia     47. Trentepohlia
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(Select a character state: to add this note/comment: )
608. Secondary photobiont presence     1. absent     2. present
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(Select a character state: to add this note/comment: )

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Index of all items of the project

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